Monday, October 13, 2008

Did you really think I wouldn't be blogging about this?

Sigh. You knew this was coming blogfans. October 12th, the day my beloved [title of show] posted its closing notice and took its final bow on the Great White Way at the Lyceum Theatre.

Though I am indeed sad to see my little show-that-could close, and I'm sure my kids over at the Lyceum had a bittersweet day, I think they can end this chapter of [tos] feeling incredibly proud of the journey they have taken, and the passengers they've picked up along the way.

So tonight, I just wanted to shout one final shout-out to Hunter, Jeff, Susan, Heidi, Larry, Michael and company for leaving their footprint on Broadway. I'm sure by now, you've learned you're far more than nine people's favorite thing.

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